Blog: Lieneke @ DreamHack

Published on June 19th, 2013

Hi, I am Lieneke, although some might know me as Yolei. I have been going to DreamHack since 2010, but skipped 2012 because I had to finish graduation. That makes this DreamHack my 5th edition. Previous editions I joined the packers in the “Dutch Row” and gamed all night long. This year is quite a bit different though. I work together with Jason as the Intel Media Team. We create videos for Intel, about the life of packers at DreamHack, about what they are doing here. What do they eat? How do they sleep? What is so much fun about DreamHack?

We sleep in a little cottage and get up between 9 and 10 o’clock. A couple of hours before the fun at DreamHack starts, it seems that gaming until 05:00 at night makes the packers sleep till past 12:00. That gives us some time to set up our equipment at the press room. We work with Apple Intel MacBooks that give us enough power to render our videos, and we use our Canon 60D cameras to capture the event. We got a wide range of lenses, rigs and other accessories to create the most awesome videos.

During the day at DreamHack we follow around Packers and try to capture the spirit of DreamHack. Sometimes that involves running around with 10 kilograms in 1 hand, trying to stabilise the camera and making sure the subject of the video is in focus with the other hand. After capturing some videos, we run up to the Press Room and start editing right away, and in about 1 or 2 hours another video pops up on YouTube!

This all sounds very awesome, but it is also very tiresome. We’re working from 10:00 in the morning until 01:30 at night. But it is definitely worth it! Intel Pack4DreamHack is a once in a lifetime experience! Or a two times a year experience ;). Every year DreamHack seems to get bigger and more awesome. Both for pro gamers and fun gamers alike.

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