Blog: dreaming about DreamHack

Published on October 12th, 2015

Just thinking about DreamHack gives me thrills. It seems like DreamHack has me, DreamHack hacked my dream and made me visualize what I expect to happen when I finally arrive at DreamHack. I just can’t wait! Hearing all the stories of the past DreamHack editions from Jeroen and Stefan makes me even more excited! They told me that they created their own area by hanging Dutch flags all over the place. Somehow they even managed to speak Swedish?! Well, it wasn’t great but it was better than the Swede talking Dutch. Even when I hear all the exciting stories about DreamHack, I still wonder what makes DreamHack so special apart from that it’s massive so I started to research it on internet and found an interesting video! Next to that they showed me some funny videos about previous DreamHack editions.

I plan on playing a lot of new games instead of playing my favorite one (League of Legends) as one game can take so long, it may risk the opportunity to watch an epic show. Too bad for League of Legends, because I am about to explore my dream! Or at least, a part of it as I can spend my whole weekend on gaming without worrying about school, my job or home. So which game is practical to play at DreamHack? My preference goes to Speedrunners. This game is short, funny and everyone from Intel Pack4DreamHack has it which means I can play it with many others plus it’s funny as hell. I mean, beating the hell out of everyone you just met is the best thing you can do to get to know someone, right? Well maybe I’m wrong, but it is fun! Next to playing games, I’m also quite interested in the parties that’s organized every DreamHack edition. Last time it was Dixz whom made the crowd go wild, but they didn’t announce this edition yet. They got me curious though! Also the cosplaying gets better every time and there even are a few cosplayers joining our trip to DreamHack. This will be my first time seeing cosplaying in real life instead of a video or a photo. And when there is no show that caught my interest, I’m just going to wander off towards the stands of popular companies like Intel. I heard they announced a new processor so they’ll probably show the perfomance at DreamHack and maybe give away some free stuff!

Packing my stuff? I only pack what I really need. Wonder why? Because I did my research bwoy. I read some blogs of other gamers whom visited DreamHack and they said that the best part is: ‘’Lots and lots of free stuff!’’. Just saving some space in my suitcase for MY stuff that’s waiting for me :-).

Just’ one and a half month to go..

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.’’ -Aristotle

~ Brandon de Rijk

dream hacked


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