Blog: The trip to Sweden

Published on June 15th, 2013


Hell to the yes: we once again managed to arrive safe and sound in Sweden. Jönköping looks very, very nice during Summer when it doesn’t rain. Last Summer I didn’t notice any sunny weather, but I might actually be able to get a bit of a tan. But enough about me, let’s talk about the trip!

Once the bus made their pick ups at Eindhoven and Utrecht and everyone received their goodies, we continued our journey to Enschede. We’ve stopped at the McDonalds and everyone had a nice meal in the afternoon sun. The bus driver managed to travel pretty fast, because we were quick at the ferry. The packers have entertained themselves with some chatting, eating, a movie and the occasional nicotine break. After 45 minutes, we said goodbye to the ferry and went back to the bus. We arrived in Denmark! At midnight, we already stood in line for the next ferry, destination: Sweden! While a few people took their first hours of sleep, others entertained themselves with a nice drinking game.

Overall, the bus trip was very pleasant, fun and very fast. Too bad we couldn’t see much of the landscapes, because it was dark, but we have plenty of time to check it out on the way back. We don’t want to think about that yet though.  This trip was one of the fastest trips to Sweden, because we arrived at the entrance at 6:45 AM!

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  1. Posted by Nick (Maltherion) on June 15th, 2013, 12:08

    But we sure did get some great pictures of the sun around 4 A.M.

