Intel Game Angels: An interview with aNNa!

Published on November 9th, 2010

After alot of reacties to the interview with Sjlot last week, we bring you another interview with one of our Intel Game Angels! Today we speak with aNNa, a girl that has been gaming since forever! With quite some accomplishments in both CounterStrike and World of Warcraft we are proud to have her on the team! Meet aNNa, from Sweden ;)!

Hi, Anna, who are you and what do you do?

I’m Anna “aNNa” Angelina Young Yoon Nordlander and I’m adopted from South Korea, arrived to Sweden when I was 2 months old. People often assume I can speak Korean because of my looks, but unfortunately, I can’t. I’m 23 and currently I’m studying engineering in mediatechnique at the Royal Intuition of technology in Stockholm.

I’ve been playing games since forever and my first competitive team was a female Counter-Strike team called Les Seules, which I and some other girls (Malin was in it too!) founded in 2004. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft and some Starcraft II, I guess I’m a real nerd and I can blame that on my Korean blood ;D

Your quite the World Of Warcraft player, with over seven chars, what attracts you to this game?

Actually I only have 4 level 80 characters and a bunch of level 70s! However, I’ve always been a huge Blizzard fan and I started to play Diablo I when I was 9. I tried WoW in the closed beta and I just got hooked instantly. WoW is a never ending grind and when you’re competitive you kind of want to always be on top; always have the best gear, always have all the achievements, always get the Gladiator titles etc. Besides that and the obvious fact that I think it’s a great game, I also love the interaction with other gamers from all over the world.

And now back to CS 1.6, how is your experience here and what do you think about the team?

As I mention earlier I played CS 1.6 for quite a while, other than Les Seules I’ve been playing in teams like Team HOOKED, MYM.ladies and the Swedish national team. Actually I haven’t really played competitive CS since ESWC 2006 due the switch to WoW 3vs3 PvP, and I also had to focus a bit on studies. Lately I kind of missed CS and GeT_RiGhT is a big part of me getting into CS again, he inspires me.

Me and Malin are somewhat the oldschoolers in the team and I actually don’t know that much about the other girls, but I think we can get decent with a lot of practice, even though we don’t have that much time.

Ever played with the girls before?

Sadly I didn’t have the chance to play with any of the other girls before except Malin, we actually played in all of my former teams together. We are really close friends and I’m so happy to have her on the team! <3

Dreamhack, ever been there? What do you think about an event this size?

My first DreamHack was DreamHack Winter 2002 and it has grown a lot since then. I think it’s awesome and this winter is going to rock! Besides the usual CS, SSFIV and Quake tours there is also going to be a huge StarCraft II tour with players from all around the world.

What is your favorite gamegear, and most importantly, do you have an Intel PC?

I’ve played with the Microsoft Intelli Mouse Explorer 3.0 since forever and in general I like SteelSeries, especially their Iron.Lady gear, and yeah of course I have an Intel PC. I <3 Intel!

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  1. Posted by Quindor on November 10th, 2010, 11:22

    Cool! Liking the interviews a lot! There are more female gamers out there then I would have thought!

  2. Posted by Tiema on November 16th, 2010, 00:41

    great partying with her last year ;D

