Kaos TV @ Intel Pack4DreamHack!

Published on October 11th, 2010

It all started exactly a year ago. Kaos TV at DreamHack Winter 2009. Making this the third edition of a succesful line in Kaos TV ‘history’.
This time around we’ll be unpacking all our gear in Sweden with special thanks to the Intel Pack4DreamHack bus, Medion and 4Launch. A thorough trip of the largest e-festival in the history of gaming mankind.

As to be expected our lovely ‘I don’t speak english very well maar dat komt nog wel’ host Remy will pop around to bus a funny nut into all our interviews. Our co-host Sten will be our host and vice versa our host Rene will be co-hosting. I realize that last bit will require a tad more explanation. Hosts…co-hosts and vice versa’s, here is the explanation. Sadly enough our primary cast Rene ‘liQuid^moTion’ Treur is not able to attend the thursday and friday of Kaos TV at Dreamhack winter 2010. But because the entire event would be an all out FAIL if he didn’t attend we have decided to charter his liquid behind an airplain that will ride moTionless through the air. Excuse my feeble attempt at poetry.

In addition Sten ‘stN’ Laureyssens will be taking over as host during Thursday and Friday. Just so we can ensure a 24/7 shoutcast for all you folks back at home! Both stN and liQuid will be assisted by our cs1.6 team captain slaYn when he’s not busy playing 1.6 quite obviously.
On that note I want to thank our sponsors Intel Pack4DreamHack, Medion and 4Launch and Asus for giving us this third opportunity to cover this event!

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  1. Posted by Rene Treur on October 21st, 2010, 17:54

    cu on mateys! 😉

