Our new website!

Published on March 19th, 2011

As a custom we always try to find a new and good lay-out every year to really capture the Pack4DreamHack feeling through the internet. After last years layout we sat round the big old table again and check to see what it is we actually want from the Intel Pack4DreamHack web experience.

Last winter we did a whopping 44 different video’s during the event, a huge amount by any standard for a 4 day event. Sadly, due to the overload in video content we found out that the blogging experience itself was lacking. With this new layout we think we have addressed this issue. The slider now will only show a selection of the latest video’s we shot, and if something real important happens on the blogging front we will put in in the slider also (posts like ‘subscriptions are open’ etc.).

We also found out that our social media experience is growing and growing, adding little snippets of social media at a time, like the FaceBook Like button (use it ;)), will only broaden our audience, so expect alot more on this in the near future! Also the connection with the DUH network will be made in the near future, with the links to our other projects and events already on the top of our website! Soon you will be able to post and comment on CampZone.nl, The-Party.nl and Pack4DreamHack.nl with the same login!

And on the front of Intel Pack4DreamHack Summer 2011? No announcements just yet, but keep checking back on us or follow us on Twitter, we will have more news soon!


P.S.: We are still working diligently to fix any content issues. If you find some, please leave a comment, we will look into it as soon as possible!

Be Social! Share with your friends!

