The Build of DreamHack – Day 3

Published on November 20th, 2012

Day 3 of the build was today and again a lot of work has been done. The Mainstage seems to be nearly done. According to the @DreamHack_Log account they have begun testing the sound setup. Also a lot of work has gone into setting up all the tournament area’s like the StarCraft Tournament Area and the CS:GO and Dota2 area’s (the latter two seem to be located in Hall B this time).

Only two more days of work to go before DreamHack opens it’s doors. In the meantime the DreamHack Crew will be busy putting the dots on the i as we say in the Netherlands, making sure everything is perfect for the 13.000+ gamers that will enter the Elmia Halls this Thursday. While we wait we can at least enjoy the enormous update of today’s build:


Pictures by @Deazid, @MainstageDH, @DreamHackNet and the Instagram account of @dreamhackfestival

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