Travel status: We have arrived!

Published on November 27th, 2014

After almost eighteen hours of sitting in an overcrowded bus, juggling with bagage and terrible sleeping, I can safely say we have all arrived in one piece at DreamHack in Jönköping! Almost everyone has found their places in our own special Intel Pack4DreamHack row and it’s already starting to look really cozy. Eighteen hours of sitting in a bus with hardly any sleep can wear you out, so of course we see some grumpy faces, but we are all very happy to be here for this Winter edition of DreamHack. This is just the start of an awesome weekend with lots of activities and lots of content to come to keep everyone updated of what exactly is going on. We’ll keep you posted, so make sure to keep an eye out on our website and our Facebook page. Even though the official opening is this evening, but for our Packers, DreamHack has already begun! #IntelDHW14

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