We’re here!

Published on November 26th, 2015


YES!! Finally we assemble, Intel Pack4DreamHack and DreamHack join forces to create the atmosphere you never have experienced! After traveling for quite a while and crossing multiple different countries, we can finally enter our long waited dream: DreamHack Winter at Elmia Halls in Jönköpig Sweden! All packers are as excited as we are. First off: creating our own spot in hall B by hanging orange/Dutch flags all over the place. Second off: gaming4life. And last but not least: sleeping! Taking a good rest after a long trip is necessary to restore energy for the next couple of days.

Do you have any idea what’s waiting on us in DreamHack? You should check some schedules as there are different kinds: FESTIVAL, MAIN STAGE, ESPORT, COSPLAY, SPEEDRUN and FAN ZONE just to get an idea of what’s coming. Spending a while in DreamHack gets you DreamHacked, you want to experience it more and more after experiencing it once! Playing or watching your favorite game, seeing your favorite character in real life, receiving lots and lots of free stuff and of course, enjoy the epic DreamHack parties! No, not just a lan-party, but something to blow your steam off instead of playing on it. Aftermovies will be made, so try your best to get into the video when you see the video team passing by!

Our video team will be walking all over DreamHack creating the funniest and most creative videos to watch! As we researched which videos were the most popular, we chose to put extra focus on the cosplay, pro gamers and dj’s. The most important thing is of course to record an impression of DreamHack and this year will be no exception! Wondering what the outcome is of the upcoming videos? Support our videoteam and keep an eye on one of our social media sources: Youtube, Facebook, the Intel Pack4DreamHack website and Twitter. See you soon!

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